Monday, February 25, 2013

Let me tell you a story about her..

She's a lioness, you may see her as a strong and taft woman. But there's something about her that you haven't know..

"Hard outside, Fragile inside." maybe that words could define her..

She may come as strong as a lioness, as wise as a queen, as taft as a warior. She is confident and independent, she may show you that she can build her own kingdom without you, without anyone, coz she hates to depend, she hates being controlled, and she lives by her own rules. I can tell you that she's the woman full of pride.

Yes, she is really what I've explained.
but remember, what you see on the surface can't describe what's going on deep inside her.. Just try to drown yourself into her soul, feel the depth of her feelings, see her path, and you'll figure out what's hidden behind those strong walls (that's only if she lets you to - because she won't let her guards down easily).


Insecurities, that's the main reason why she sets her pride and builds her guards. She's just too tired of being hurted for so many times. She values and respects herself so much, and she won't let anyone gives her pain she doesn't deserve. And her pride protects her.

Her pride won't let anyone have a power towards her. That's why she won't show you her weakness easily.

She may be the one who can smile the whole day, and then cries when she's back home. She may be jealous but she acts like she doesn't care at all. She acts like everything's okay when she's not. She won't show you her tears while she's crying a river inside. She tries her best to hide her weakness, because she's afraid if somebody takes advantage of it. She won't let anybody uses her weakness to against her, to mistreat her.

As she experienced life, she finds out that she needs to be more careful in everything. She expects less, so she'll get less disappointment. She holds back when she knows she'll get hurted. She'll take her step only when she feels secure.


She may be looks as hard to handle as a lioness, but she has her kitty side.

She's good by nature, warm, loving, caring, faithful, and fun. When she loves, she loves deeply. She'll be loyal and faithful to the one she loves. She can be a good friend who sticks with you through thick or thin. She's dedicated lover and friend. She's willing to sacrifice anything for the one she loves. (As long as she feels secure to do it, as long as she knows they worth it, as long as she feels appreciated, as long as she knows they won't take advantage of it, and as long as it won't hurt her).

She's basicaly good, until you give her a reason not to.


She just needs to feel secure enough to show the real her, her weakness, her kitty side. She needs to make sure that someone will accept her weakness & not take advantage of it. Gain her trust and make her comfort with you are the key to see 'the real her'.

She knows her worth, and she needs someone who knows (and makes her know) her worth too. Appreciation will motivate her to do more, or be better. She hates being second best, second priority. She hates being compared. She hates being 'not good enough'. And if you make her feels she's not good enough for you, then she'll stop doing her best, and she'll walk away and find somebody else who can appreciate her more.

She's the queen of pride, but when she feels loved enough, comfort enough, secure enough, she'll be probably no more afraid to break her pride and let her guards down. Give her your faithful dedication and loyalty, love her to the fullest, make her safe and comfort, and you'll get a lovely cat walks into your arms..

Don't ever take a crap of her, especially make her feels betrayed. Once you do this, she'll pull herself back and defense. You'll see she builds her walls again, even higher than before. She'll be strong enough to dump you out of her life.

The clue is.. she'll be your mirror.

She'll be as best as she can be to everybody who treats her right. And she'll be as worst as she can be to everybody who treats her bad. It's your choice ;)

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